23 thoughts on “Troy DeHoop”

  1. Hi Babe! I’m praying you are having an amazing week. I am so glad you are able to go experience God in this way with Lexie. We are all very proud of you. You are a wonderful leader and God will use your strengths and talents to the fullest. We miss you tons (especially Marley!). I hope you are staying healthy. I can’t wait to hear all your stories. Love you and miss you!


    1. Miss you too Jod! and the kids and the dog. Was Dylan able to go to camp on Wednesday? I can’t wait to share all of the stories with you. Lexie is an amazing kid. She is so you! She is growing tremendously this week. Love you


    2. Miss you too Jod! and the kids and the dog. Was Dylan able to go to camp on Wednesday? I can’t wait to share all of the stories with you. Lexie is an amazing kid. She is so you! She is growing tremendously this week. Love you


      1. Hi Dad – this is Soph. I miss you! I hope you and Lexie are having a good time. The dog is depressed. Can’t wait until you get back. I love you!


      2. Hey! Dylan did not go to camp, but was O.K. about it. Praying you are not getting too tired and have a powerful last day tomorrow. Can’t wait to see you and Lex soon!


  2. Hope you are doing well. We all have been praying for you! What a great example you are to my kids. I think it’s so cool you get to share this experience with lex. Can’t wait to hear about it.


    1. Thanks Jordyn, Lexie and I appreciate the prayers. It has been an amazing experience for the two of us. Tell the girls Uncle Troy says Hi, and Justin too. Ava would be a superstar on a trip like this.


  3. Hey Troy and Lexie,
    Hope you are having a great week, we’ve been praying for you guys. Everything is all good here, enjoy this time together, and may God bless you both as you continue your work and spread his word. AC


    1. Thanks AC, Thanks for the reassurance that things are good on the home front. My phone has been off since Tuesday in Atlanta. It has been great. Dreading the time when I fire it back up in the States. Appreciate the prayers. Keep them coming. Can’t wait to tell you all about this experience


  4. Hi Troy! You were born a leader and it’s no surprise God lead you on this mission trip. I’m praying your leadership will be a testament of God’s love to the people you are building the houses WITH, and also FOR. I pray God leads you this week in a way that only brings you closer to Him. Enjoy this priceless time with Lex. Be safe.


    1. Thanks Sarah, I appreciate the kind words and your prayers. Keep them coming. Also, Thank you for using your gifts and talents to help make this trip possible for Lexie and I. We are blessed to have such a supportive family. Say hi to Mosey and the Kids. Cant wait to tell you about this experience.


    1. Thanks Kurt, Lexie and I are having a blast. This has been a life changing experience for both of us. Keep the prayers coming and I cant wait to tell you about this trip.


  5. Hey Troy!
    We thought of you today at fat camp. It’s just not the same without you, but knowing where you are and the imprint your footsteps are leaving is a forever in the kingdom. So very proud of you for taking this journey and shedding seeds of God’s love every step of the way . Be bold, every single day, be bold and be courageous and do the thing that scares you a bit. We are praying for you and Lex.. health and ministry and BOLDNESS IN HIS NAME.
    ❤️ Nicki


    1. Hey Nicki, I appreciate the encouraging words. I missed you and the rest of the fatties too. I have thought of you guys many times while we are hiking up and down the massive hills. This place has been a life changing experience for Lexie and I. So thankful for the prayers and support from back home. We truly can feel them here. Can’t wait to tell you all about it.


  6. Hi Troy, praying for you and Lexie and your team. God is using you all in a very special way. Can’t wait to hear your stories!


    1. Thanks Mom, keep the prayers coming. Lex and I are blessed to have such a supportive family. I am sure that you and dad have spoiled the rest of the family with dinner at Russ’ and many other treats. I appreciate that. Say hi to Dad.


  7. Troy/Lexie: This is Sun AM; been praying for you both this week & according to the schedule you should be having a great Sun as well. Your sharing of the Gospel & other talents God has given to you to use on this project will be in your memory for the rest of your life. Have a great rest of your trip & God Bless you both. See you both next week.


  8. Hey Troy! Thanks for keeping an eye on mags! We are praying for you often! What a joy to see how amazing God is, at work all over this world and His word does not change. He has gifted you as a leader, stay rooted in Christ!


  9. Hi Troy!
    Jut wanted to let you know that we’ve been praying for you and Lex everyday! What an awesome way to use your gifts and let God shine through you. We love you!


  10. Hi Troy – have a great last day today!! praying for safe travels home tomorrow! We love you and are eager to hear the stories you and Lexie will have!


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